Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lost Silver

     Firered, Leafgreen; Heartgold, Soulsilver. Remakes sure are interesting, aren't they? With generation one and two unable to connect to the other three(two at the time of Heartgold and Soulsilver). At first people thought early in generation three, "How can we get pokemon native to the Jhoto and Kanto region that aren't already in Hoenn?" The answer there at first was Firered and Leafgreen. Those two games gave accesss to the Kanto region pokemon, as well as some Jhoto pokemon. Then when fourth generation came out, another question arised, "Will there be a remake of Gold and Silver?" Well, the answer is obvious now.

     The story tonight is about a guy in college who was wanting the new pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver games. So, when the games came out, he wasn't able to afford the games(that poor it seems). When his school year ended, he preordered Soulsilver, but it would take a week to get it. To grasp some nostalgia, he decided to play his old Crystal, to remember it was thrown out, as well as his Silver. He has his Game Boy Color, so why not buy a quick one? He ventured to gamestop, bought the last Silver there(remarkably, with the fact that games two generations behind the current would no longer be accepted, and all would be sold by that time), and took it home to rejoice in the memories of Jhoto.

     However...the college student didn't realize he came across the game later being named infamously Lost Silver: Probably the most known pokemon creepy pasta out there. Give it a read, because I rather not do another summery.
(Note: The fanart shows way more blood than the actual story)

     What does this all mean? As you can tell, both Gold, and Red, of their own respective generations, are dead by the end of the story. Red is dead before Gold. At the end of the story, it tells how Gold's efforts and accomplishments were forgotten by the next generation. How he has died with his generation since people focus on the next one, and cut off from his generation. This is just a thought to go along with the author's comment, so it's open to interpretation.

     Either way, this story gives that realistic feel of fright from the thoughts itself. If the story was real(I think the author said later on it was just a story he created), and happened to you, wouldn't you feel a bit of fright from the context of the hack happening one event after another? When discovering the meaning behind it, wouldn't you feel sad too?

     Anyways, people enjoyed this story to the point they made a fangame of it. The author of the story even continued the story line to another event happening within the story(called hidden by fans). I read about how the author plans to add even more parts to the story, just to explain some things within it(Like how you got Hurry the cyndaquil, and so forth).

     I really do like this story. It gives you a thought about how things change, and the past gets forgotten. Also just gives that true realistic feel that is nice in a story, even in a creepy one. Hopefully this story gets all the expansion it needs, because it would be more to read of it, and more understanding of the story itself; those lose ends getting tired up.

(Probably the least bloody of them I could find)

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